Using The LFOs in Serum FX

Started by gpak
Avatar for gpak


Hey all,
I can't seem get the LFO to automate the effects chain in Serum FX. I have an audio loop in my track with SERUM FX and am trying to use the LFO to modulate the cutoff of the filter. I am able to assign the LFO to the knob but its not modulating the source at all. Please let me know what I am missing!

Avatar for steve_xfer


You need to send MIDI notes to SerumFX (just like in Serum, you need to play notes for LFO's to activate) or use the NOTE LATCH button which holds a note for you.

Avatar for nathanrattrie


Hi I'm struggling to figure out how to send midi information to serumfx within fl studio 20, any chance you'd know?

Avatar for steve_xfer


You can use e.g. MIDI out device and set its MIDI out port to something unused by your hardware e.g. 10. Then on the SerumFX instance in the wrapper settings, set the MIDI in port to the same number (10).

hope this helps,

Avatar for gj53


Setting up the MIDI out device to (10) and the SerumFX MIDI Input port to (10) did not resolve this issue. I can see and hear the keyboard when I hit a key……….but SerumFX still does not respond to that input.

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The audio input is routed automatically - you want to insert SerumFX on an effect insert where signal is already showing up.

Avatar for dethswurl


I wanted to do this so I could link my MIDI to the NOTE controller in SerumFX.

The setup is a bit weird but I think I figured it out:

  1. Add a new Patcher (I'd probably add a Patcher instrument instead of a Patcher mixer effect, if you want to test this out quicker)
  2. Add a SerumFX to the Patcher
  3. Open SerumFX and click the little gear on the top left of the plugin to open the FL Studio wrapper settings
  4. Under "MIDI", set the "Input port" to "0" (zero) - this should add a MIDI input to SerumFX in Patcher
  5. Link your MIDI to SerumFX and see the magic

Note that you can also use a MIDI Out if you'd like. Just make sure the ports are the same, like Steve said, and manually add that port under "From FL Studio –> Outputs –> Events" in Patcher.

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shouldn't there be a much simpler way to do this ?