Using serum in unreal engine

Started by dekk33

Hi there,
I've been doing sound design for many years now and am starting to get involved with games. I am currently working on a racing game being made in unreal engine and fmod.

I have been creating some pretty crazy car engine sounds in serum, but am completely clueless about getting them into the engine.

Im just curious if I serum can be used somehow within the engine itself, or if I will have to bounce everything to .wavs and work with the software within unreal/fmod.

I know Wwise can load in audio plugins but not sure if it takes serum.

Any info or a direction to head it would be greatly appreciated.



As far as I'm aware you would need to bounce, you can't distribute Serum itself inside your project of course, and I'm not aware of an instrument host inside Unreal (beyond personal projects, nothing official), getting the UI to show would be quite a feat.