Some Cthulu directions please...

Started by da10us


I'm trying the Cthulu plugin. About the chords: Seems that presets only have a couple of chords. Can't find the way chords go up and down. Seems random. Couple of keys play the same chord. For me this is confusing how to play a chord progression. The amount of chords seems to be limitied. What do I miss? Would you change presets within one track? Offcourse I have no musical education of what so ever ;-)



most presets have 80-90 chords, look at the blue line that appears above the piano keys (chord slots / see manual).
Many presets are from Bach chorales, playing chromatically up the keyboard will replay the chorale "like a MIDI file".
You shouldn't need more than 127 chords within one track (most people seem to use about 4-8 chords in the music I hear these days).
I would recommend to watch the video on the main page.