Serum suggestion - fixed random phase

Started by Gweeyom

Hi, I'm a user of Serum and I realize there is an function that could be quite useful if added.

Right now the randomization of the phase, useful when using multiple voices on an Osc for example, is re-randomized at every new notes, making a sound that changes from a note to another, and sometimes it's unwanted.
My idea would be to add a function enabling that each voice of an Osc has a random phase, but that phase stays the same at every note played. And add a "seed" parameter that would allow to pick the best sounding randomization.

I've seen no synth with this function and it could be an advantage if Serum had that.
Thank you


This would be very relevant to what is going on in the Serum forum - I don't see you registered- if you need help locating your registration please use the contact form!