Serum patches resetting on opening ABleton

Started by vamosuk

My serum patches that havent been saved as patches were just in the DAW have reset on reopening? Any idea if I can recover these or why it happens?



Just realised its the wavetables that are resetting but they're default Serum ones any idea why this is happening?


I have the same problem too. Both wavetables reset to the default one (the name doesn't appear on top). I thought I'd solve the problem by saving every preset in the session, but it happens randomly on these too.
I tried reinstalling the latest update but it didn't solve anything.
So I have to get into the habit of re-save the preset every time I change it and reloading them all when you open the session.

Please tell me there's a solution for this :'(


Also having this issue with all xfer plugins in ableton.. for some if I wrap the xfer device in an ableton rack and map to macro controls it works more consistently, but this only supports 16 values. Great for sth like cthulhu, not so great for the others.


I am having the same issue and its so frustrating. It will say cant find the file …../basicshapes or whichever one I am using. But if I was to look up that file path on my computer, sure enough basic shapes is there and so are all the others. Came here for a solution too