My Request Sounds a bit much , but parallel filters are already available in massive & we've seen how great ableton is in building Audio Effect Racks , You can put infinite number of filters , flangers , not one them in series or parallels
If Serum & SerumFx kinda implemented this , we no longer had to put multiple instances of serumFx to use an special filter twice
I asked Steve about this previously a while back when asking about parallel BP filtering. He said he did not have any current plans to change the filter modules of serum. However a workaround for this (in ableton) would be to use an audio effect rack with 2+ chains that each have an instance of SerumFX with whatever filter settings you prefer. If you wish to modulate these filters with an LFO thats synced to the midi, group serum into an instrument rack and create an extra chain with ableton's external instrument dropped in (one for each instance of serumfx you have in the audio effect rack) and set the midi from each external instrument to each serumfx. This will give you serums filtering abilities in parallel that can be modulated in sync with midi and still keep it all in one concise midi track.