serum demo for win 10 available ??

Started by JP

I would like to install the demo,
but it doesn`t work.

i run the exe as admin, but i got a filesystemerror.

What is my mistake?

Hi JP,
Try disabling Windows Defender or other AV software you might have running, it should install fine.  I don't have to disable Windows Defender, so it might be another AntiVirus software.  Also, you shouldn't need to run as administrator, but that works here too.

Hello Steve.

Thanks for your quickly response.

I got the answer of this case.
You have to change the sound settings.
Click in the shortcut from the speakers on the right side.
then change to windows standard but save your actually settings before changing settings.
but with this change my errors with the asio driver were away, too.

i think the changes with the win 10 audio rights are so deep in the audio settings.

May be. if someone ask again, you have an possibility to solve the problem.
