serial key

Started by pene erectril

pene erectril

i cant use serum, i need my serial key to may use my serum i need help


Me too. I downloaded from splice. Everything works on my macbook. But on my windows desktop computer, after installing serum - it asks for a serial-number.
in my account - there is no product key.
it seems that there is no interchange from splice to xferrecords?


Maybe I know why.
On splice - i am on the "try it" plan for serum. (rent-to-own)
today - is my last day of the 3 days trying phase.
the payment plan does not allow me to pay immediately my 9.99€
So I have to wait…


Thanks for writing in.
When using Splice RTO, you should not be asked for a product key for Serum.

Since you are, this means one of a few possibilities:

  • you had previously installed an old copy Serum on the computer and it is (now) running
  • Splice has not deposited a license on your computer (e.g. update Splice and log in) <- very likely if "new computer"
  • Splice has revoked a license from a failed payment (?) <- very likely if it worked prior…

Keep in mind you need to be connected to Splice online at least once every 3 days. Once you have paid off Serum this is no longer needed.

(windows) You can go to C:\%localappdata%\Splice and verify you see a Serum.lic file

Also, here's boilerplate message from Splice (and me I guess now!):

Please make sure you have deleted any previous versions of Serum you have on your computer. Then confirm that you are signed into the Splice app (the Splice logo will appear in your menubar) and have the latest version of the Splice client installed. The current version for OSX is 2.1, and for Windows it's 1.2.15. If you need to download the Splice app, you can do so here:

If you need to re-install Serum, open the client and navigate to the 'Plugins' Tab and click 'Reinstall'

You can also download the Serum installer here:

Warm regards,


PTLupin-splice's point sounds familiar - "last day of trial period" issues, that is. Before, Serum didn't ask for a Serial and displayed that I'm on a "plan".


Yes, if a payment does not complete, this happens.
If the Splice app is not or has not been running, this happens.

Rahul streak

In my accound i cant able to find the serial key for demo version please help me!!!!!


The demo version does not ask for a serial key. You should delete the plugins and verify it is not available in your DAW at all, then re-run the demo installer.


Where can I put my Serum serial key for full version? HELP ME PLEASE

please use the contact page, I need your personal info to help locate your registration.

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