OTT always at 100% after update

Started by joes


I update to the last OTT and now when I open an older project (in cubase),
all the settings are at 100% (depth, upward & downward)

I tried to delete all OTT files (component, vst and vst3 folder on Mac)
but the problem persists …

can someone please help?



I'd suggest to delete the VST3, and use the VST2 as before, it should open OK as there haven't been changes to the storage in the VST2. If that doesn't work then I can provide an older version if you open a support ticket.


Hope I can jump into/continue this thread - I have the same issue.
VST2 is sadly not working in Cubase in M1 Native mode (Cubase 12). So that's sadly not an option. Is there any other solution?


If you have Cubase and OTT up to date, opening the project in Rosetta with the VST2 would probably be the best workaround.