I'm on the latest version of Cubase 12, and Cubase conveniently automatically uses the VST3 version of OTT when both VST2 and VST3 are installed, which is great, except that settings aren't recalled correctly for projects that were made with the VST2 version. This issue also happens the other way around where settings aren't recalled by the VST2 version (when I remove the VST3 version from the plugins folder) if the project was made with the VST3 version.
I reinstalled the latest version of OTT today to triple check that I hadn't missed anything.
I can also provide my test projects as examples.
Is there something that could be done to remedy this issue? I also noticed ValhallaDSP having issues with their plugins when they switched to VST3, where all my settings wouldn't get recalled correctly either. Is this a limitation of that automatic swap from VST2 to VST3 that Cubase is able to do?
Here are my specs:
Cubase Pro 12.0.40 (the issue also happened with earlier version of Cubase 12)
Mac OS Monterey 12.5 (also happened with earlier versions of Monterey)
M1 Max Macbook Pro 64gb RAM
Thank you!