No presets after installing Serum. (MAC)

Started by remco2305

I'm rather new to this producing thing and music in general. I have only started about 6 months ago. Now I've decided to buy Serum (a monthly plan through Splice) I've heard great things about it and so I decided to buy and install it.

There is a problem though after I've downloaded the plug-in the presets folder is empty. In fact, every folder is empty. The furthest it will go is Library > Applications > Audio > Presets > Xfer Records > SerumFX, and the SerumFX folder is just empty. So I'm sure I'm just missing something small which is probably very clear and I should see but I can't see it.

As I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to give a link I will not, for now, if needed I can give the link where I downloaded it from and/or the download file itself.

-I've tried restarting my MAC, Logic Pro X (of course, since that was required anyways)
-Reinstalling three times.
-Trying to find a solution on the internet without success.

I hope anyone here can help me out!

Thanks in Advance


That presets folder is autocreated by Logic. There is no presets folder for SerumFx, it loads the (same) presets the same way as Serum.

Oh, but I can’t find the presets from Serum anywhere sorry if I’m a bit dumb here but how do I get the presets then?

Because when I load serum in Logic Pro X it says please select the folder named "serum presets'' in the window about to appear. where do I find that though I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. The only thing I was able to find was that Xfer Records folder which is empty.

Nevermind I found the fix. Thanks for the quick responses though! (that sounds sarcastic but it isn't)

If I can try and revive an old post, what was the fix? I'm having the same issue in Ableton.


First, verify you have run the "full version" installer and not just the update or SerumFX bonus installer. It's also important to quit the DAW before running the installer. Open a support ticket with your OS/ DAW version if you are still stuck.

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