New Plug-In Idea

Started by Monolith

So, this one is mainly adressing Steve… I'm a big fan of the OTT and the Dimension Expander! Used subtlely, those things often really enhance sounds quick and easy.
Another very unique one that I just love is Erosion in Ableton, it's perfect for gluing together layered synths or to give things a bit of character on certain frequencys. Since it seems to be possible to recreate effects perfectly, I wonder if you could make your own version of this and maybe add some more modes and especially an option to have it completely wet so i'm able to gate/EQ/saturate it seperately. Besides that it would make that thing avaliable in other DAWs, because it's really unique and I didn't find anything like it yet.
Hope you like that idea, keep on doing what you do, i'm a big fan of all of your stuff!!