Nerve Routing & Swing

Started by HamHat

About to buy nerve, but with the 20 minute demo I keep running out of time before I can figure out a few things. 1. is it possible to assign separate swing to different tracks? I like to control how much swing I get per drum sound, if not is there a potential update for this in the future? 2nd is it possible to record to midi by channel? I was only ever able to record audio by channel. 3rd is their a recording/routing tutorial? Thanks.


>. is it possible to assign separate swing to different tracks?

Using the late graph you can offset the swing on any steps for any pad (the late graph works in conjunction with the swing groove, to produce a note timing).

> is it possible to record to midi by channel ?

That question is a little unclear (record to MIDI by channel?), you can realtime record MIDI out, or MIDI-export patterns (either via menu or drag-and-drop) in the latest versions.

> a recording/routing tutorial

Not explicitly. Recording and routing varies in every host sequencer. There's a variety of workflows depending on what you're trying to accomplish and what you want control over, but the specifics vary from host-to-host.

Thanks for the reply. So for swing I can turn off all steps in late parameter under say kick and swing would not affect kick? As for midi I would be assigning 2 pads per channel i.e master to kicks, 3/4 to snares, 5/6 to hats, etc. Is it possible to record those pads to their separate midi channels with just one instance of Nerve? I wasn't able to figure it out in Ableton.

> So for swing I can turn off all steps in late parameter under say kick and swing would not affect kick?
No, you'd probably want to use a separate instance for Nerve for that, or export the MIDI out of Nerve unswung (or quantize it).

Typically you want the same swing on all parts because otherwise you would get flams when two sounds play the same step. Kicks tend to land on 1/8ths (if not just 1/4ths) and thus don't really have any need to be non-swung (since most swing patterns only affect upbeat 16ths, and if you did have an upbeat 16th kick you'd probably want it swung, e.g. Amen break). I'm not trying to suggest I know better than you what-you-want, more explaining why that sort of complexity wasn't deemed necessary for typical use.

Your question still is confusing, or rather, seems to be confusing audio and MIDI. 3/4, 5/6 = audio outputs terminology in Nerve and is not MIDI. You can record to separate audio tracks, not MIDI (you can also just drag-export the pad parts as rendered wav files). MIDI notes all share one channel, as different note numbers are used for the different pads, not different channels (same as playing from your MIDI keyboard).

HI Steve , i just send you an email about drag and drop the pad as  wav file on the daw, i have the demo version and it does not work, only exporting one shot work, is this a limitation of the demo?