Nerve Beta feaatures (Dic 2020)

Started by Matver61

I Steve, could you tell me what are the main new features of Nerve Beta at the moment. Is the GUI different from the actual one ? Thanks & regards, Mathieu

There is ARM support in the works, and a fairly recent beta in the Nerve forum.

Where is the Nerve forum? I'd like to buy Nerve but I cannot see where this 'resizeable GUI' beta exists. Thank you.


The beta is for customers only, there is no demo version available for it currently. the demo should be updated in the coming weeks hopefully, I'm waiting on an external bit for Rex/Rx2 support to be available in all DAWs under M1/ARM.

Ok Thank you. So if I purchase Nerve today, I will have immediate access to a resizeable GUI option via the beta? Thanks.