Mixing Issue With Bus Compression and Master limiter

Started by plav

Hi Guys ! So here is the deal : 

  • I Have a Snare drum with 3 layers that i group and compress together ,
       then i  send this Main Snare in a Drum Bus with a kick drum , both a re-compressed with the glue , the kick is reduced by 5db
     but the snare is not hitting the drum bus compressor , but is hitting 12 db reduction on the master limiter . I want kick & snare to hit equaly drum bus compressors and master limiter . i try to eq , saturate the snare and the differente layers in every way i knew to make it happen but i couldn't get this result . Any ideas ? 

Why the snare doesn't hit the drum bus compressor , but has 12 db reduction on the L2 ? i know it's a transient issue because bottom tone of my snare is very high like 700hz, but when shape transients heavily i have the same issue .. i want to find a way to make the bus compressor reduce the same amount on kick on snare anyway , so if you know how to do this please tell me , thank you very much et sorry for my bad english i'm french !