MIDI CC out in LFO Tool within Maschine 2

Started by nicolasvr



Does anybody know how to configure in Maschine 2 the routing so i can get LFO Tool able to control a parameter through MIDI CC?
Sending it through a virtual Midi port would be the solution, but how do you choose a virtual Midi port in the plugin? 

Thanks for the help,


I think your best (only?) bet (until/unless Native Instruments adds support for MIDI out from plugins) is probably a sub-host which can hold LFOTool and the destination device, such as BlueCat patchwork.  This way you aren't routing the MIDI out and back in to Maschine, which would induce latency / timing inaccuracy.


Okay, will check the BlueCat-solution out, thanks for the reply!

Is this missing feature something a complete DAW should essentially have? I always only used

Maschine as main software for a couple of years but discovering bit by bit the big missing things..


I guess "essentials" depend on the user.  To me it is "essential" because it is needed to use Cthulhu (properly), LFOTool has a lot of use besides the MIDI out which I consider a bonus ability in that case.


hi guys, i get a question, what is the last version of serum?


Well, if you buy it, the latest version will be in "your account".   Updates are free for life.  Serum is updated very regularly.


no it's sure that LFO Tool is a very creative tool on it's own, no doubt about it!