LFO Tool - Wet\Dry or Mix Knob

Started by CreatureLurkin-splice


I'm wondering where the Mix Knob (or wet\dry) is on LFO Tool? Kinda like how Volume Shaper & Kickstart have. I'm assuming there is one, its just not as obvious and I'm missing it. I know there's a Mix Knob on LFO Tools Filter section, but that isn't it.

Would it be the Volume slider on the LFO Routing section? zero being completely dry and off, 100 being full envelope effect?


Yes you can use the LFO->Vol routing slider for that.
The depth slider under the individual LFO routings is there for this purpose, so you can "wet/dry" from 0 to 100 without losing your assigned depth value on LFO->Vol.


Perfect, thanks Steve. The depth slider is definitely what I was looking for.