LFO Tool question

Started by yayger1

So I recently have been in this dilemma of where i feel my mixes are pretty clean, and I've been noticing that my kicks haven't been coming through quite as nicely as i would like for them to. Im very aware of side chain compression, and I've managed to get a very clean side chain, but it doesn't seem to work as nice as id like for it to.'
A lot of people are going crazy about this volume shaping thing, and i recently just downloaded the demo of LFO Tool, and the first thing i noticed is I'm finding myself drawing lines straight down to -0dB when the thump of the kick hits and its really giving me good results. but its only a 1/4 pattern. Is there any way i can go about changing that to work with the kick I'm using? Like I'm sure i can manipulate a dubstep 1/3 with it, but sometimes i get pretty creative with my kicks and like to use triplets or whatever and just make a jumbled mess. is there any way i could take signal from my kick (or any midi source) to activate lfo tool?


Yes, the Note retrig feature (on left side) is for this.