LFO Tool problem with Ableton

Started by brysonprice


I'm using it in Ableton and it's doing something really strange. When I listen to the song in Ableton, everything is OK. But when I export the song, it seems to be 'ducking' areas that I don't have it triggered to do so.  Anyone else have this problem?


Hi Bryson,

LFOTool shouldn't be doing anything different during realtime playback versus export (it actually doesn't make any distinction).   You could consider automating the depth slider to 0% if you want to ensure LFOTool is off on certain sections.   Maybe you have some MIDI notes accidentally going there, or automation you're not aware of (e.g. disabling Note Retrig) 

 I'd be happy to take a look at a project file as well (audio files shouldn't be needed, I can replace with a tone).

Warm Regards,
[email protected]


Thanks for responding Steve : )  Let me double check on some of the things you mentioned.  If it still occurs, I'll email you the project