Always after saving the preset, Serum gives an error "Something went wrong loading your new preset in the Database, please rescan the DB" , even if the preset directory is deleted completely. How can i fix it? Maybe i can clean Serum database of presets or something like that, i don't know where to find this database (rescan database doesn't help). Any Help please.
New presets saving in 'User' folder /Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/Serum Presets/Presets/User
I'm on macOS Sonoma, full disk access giving to Ableton (in Bitwig have the same issue) also set 'Read & Write' to Presets folder in Library/Audio
Serum v1.368
UPD: Fixed it with removing two files (presetdb.dat and user.dat) in /Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/Serum Presets/System
and than reinstalled Serum.