Formula Parser

Started by Zacky_Momo


I'm starting to get the hang of the formula parser, however I am having issues trying to make the wave table move along the X-axis but I can only seem to get it to move along the Y-axis. From what I understand the y and z variables move up and down and generate a whole wave table. So I am trying to figure out how to do this from left to right. Also I am curious about what type of math is involved in the formula parser, is it mostly trigonometry?


Please use the Serum forum for support!  There are some formula posts there with additional formulas to use, etc.
It's just algebra.  I would recommend to understand the basic formulas.
take the simplest formula "x".
this is an implied "y=x".
So you get an output (y) of -1 to 1 as X moves from -1 to 1.