Dimension Expander increases in noise and nearly blows my speakera

Started by zassimo

Hey all,

I have Logic Pro X and sometimes when I turn on the dimension expander a huge noise comes up and would blow my speakers if I don't turn it off in time. I already mashed up my ears once hearing this when having headphones on! I'm scared to use it now. Sometimes it doesn't do this though. Has anyone else been having this problem?

I've never had reports of that but I just made an installer and double-checked for anything that might not intialize. I did find one variable, not sure it is causing your problem. It might be some plugin upstream to DimExp causing the problem. In any case try the 1.01 I just posted on xferrecords.com/freeware

Thanks, I'll give that a go.

I thought if it was because I turned on the plugin whilst the track was playing but no. In fact, it almost always happens on an audio track. If you like I can upload a short film of it happening?

you're welcome to let me know how the new version fares.

It's great. It hasn't happened once and also there isn't a crackling noise when turning the dials :)

good to hear. However there's probably crackling noise when changing "size".. that isn't really a bug (just non-elegant delay lines).

good to hear. However there's probably crackling noise when changing "size".. that isn't really a bug (just non-elegant delay lines).

Any chance of returning to the Dimension Expander and fixing the noise on the "Size" button, or is it just the way it is?


You can use the one in Serum FX if you need to modulate that parameter!  ;-)

LOL…..where was my brain? That's what I get for letting these old plugins gather dust and then wondering why I don't use them, it's because I have better choices although that is sometimes forgotten.