Dare I say I have the... NERVE to ask this...

Started by ofoot

Sorry. Couldn't resist the pun.  Anyhow, this comes from the fact that I'm an FL user and am looking to do on-the-fly drum machine sequencing(FL kinda forces me to use a mouse on the step sequencer and there's no MIDI drum machine sequencing in FL yet) with MIDI notes being on/off states at various positions as opposed to having to play the samples. Does Nerve support this? Or do I have to get an external MIDI sequence sender into FL to do the drumming?

You mentioned a monome in this video here, and I know that the monome can be used for the step sequencing that I'm looking for. 

On the account that I'm not spending money on a monome, could I do what I'm looking for with Lemur and Nerve?

I hope I'm somewhat understandable.
Thank you!

Lemur basically gives you the same functionality you get using the UI.  In other words you can "draw" velocity stalks, just like you can with the mouse, but instead with your finger.   Disclaimer: Lemur/Monome/TouchOSC builds are a "free bonus" for Nerve users, they were made for myself, they aren't being actively developed, and are not a merit I suggest buying Nerve on.

….There are builds that you made? Where can they be found(I'm sure I can cook something up if I end up buying Lemur either way)?

They're available for registered users, in the Nerve forum and/or upon request.  I don't advertise these builds, I assumed you were somehow aware of them, so nevermind.  But in any case the real point is it's more like a remote, nothing you couldn't do without the mouse cursor essentially, and not worth the pain of setup to use in the moment of inspiration.