Cthulu Demo Bug, Can't select Chord/Velocity

Started by beckandriu


wanted to try Cthulu Demo before, but it seems there's a bug and can't use it properly.
I had to set the size to 200% because 100% is to tiny. Anyway, when trying to select the note for the chord with a mouse click or hold-mouse gesture the note jumps to C-2 and doesn't react anymore. Same happens with velocity.
Sometimes it works, but only for one note, the second note will have the same behavior again and won't be changeable.
Version says 1.11a demo.
This is on Windows 10 v1909, VST2, Ableton Live 10.1.14
Amd 390x graphics and i7 2600k / 16 gb ram

Edit: Actually I've found it that more controls are not reacting sometimes. Like the chord left/right selector. The menu works though. Also the Rate knob does not update it's label until I re-open the window. I'd really like to buy it, but if these issues are in the non-demo version I wouldn't be happy.



Thanks for the interest in Cthulhu - Right-click Cthulhu in the plug-ins list of Live and make sure AutoScale is not enabled.
I'll try to get an updated demo soon!


There's no auto-scale option as I'm not using the HiDPI setting. I'm running 1080p non-scaled natively.
Is there a way to be updated of own forum posts, as I didn't receive anything that you replied here.


You can be notified (see notification settings in the top) but I don't send email.
I'll try to get an updated demo soon!