Cthulhu Lag when retire is off

Started by orensela-splice


Hi everyone.

When I press play, there's a split second before the arp kicks in, that way everything is off click. this doesn't happen when retire is ON, but does when retire is OFF. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?

I basically cannot work with Cthulhu now.



I am also having this same problem using the Cthulhu demo version aax in Pro Tools. It happens in Studio One and Ableton using vst3 too sometimes.

Also when retrig is ON and playing back recorded midi, only the first note of the chord is repeated. But does not happen when inputting live.

MacOS Big Sur
Cthulhu 1.248demo
Studio One 6
Ableton 11


Sounds like latency compensation issues, if you are registered for Cthulhu I could perhaps use a project file so I could try and recreate the issue here. ProTools has inherent bugs with MIDI output from MIDI generating plugins when you have an overall latency in your project > 2048 samples. Otherwise everything should function the same, but ultimately Cthulhu is up to the host reporting from proper MIDI timing and latency reporting - StudioOne has had bugs here in the past but none I'm aware of currently.


Thanks for the reply you are right, it is happening in Pro Tools (2024.6) when there is any latent plugin anywhere in the project (even lower than 2048 samples). No problems when overall latency is zero.


A workaround in Pro Tools: load the VST2 version of Cthulhu inside DDMF MetapluginSynth