Coding Languages

Started by frickmurray



I was wondering if anyone knew what language these plugins are written in? I'm looking to get into some plug in development (for personal use) and thought I caught wind of these Xfer plugs being written in C++. Can anyone verify?

I would be hoping to write mostly AU rather than VST etc.


yes, it's all C++

if it's really for personal use only, you are likely better off in something higher-level such as Reaktor or Max/MSP. This will likely save you a lot of time.
While I do not, some developers use those environments for rapid prototyping, which could save time versus starting an idea in code.

Yes, you're correct! Xfer plugins are written in C++, which is standard for audio plugin development. If you're focusing on AU (Audio Units), you’ll still use C++ but follow Apple’s AU framework. Good luck with your plugin development! Read More