Can i Use Serum on My Desktop PC? and MacBook Pro?

Started by SebastianVtr23


Hey everyone, I tried using the search function to see if any posts related to this question were up, but i didn't see any.  
I want to buy Serum Synth, i was just wondering if its possible to download both Serum on my Windows PC and Macbook Pro. I use both a lot. Can i use the same license? 
Thanks in advance.
Sebastian Vega


Hi Sebastian,

Yes, you can use both with the same license, no problem!
As a user of both platforms myself, I believe all software should allow for this, and thus Xfer products always will!

Warm Regards,


Thanks for the swift reply Steve! Can't wait to start using this synth! i'll get it tonight! 

Sebastian Vega

how many devices can you install your purchase or serum on?


as many as you personally own!  I try to be liberal here, the license is for an individual, so it can't be used from multiple locations simultaneously or by other people.  For instance if you're working with a partner, they need to purchase their own license.


how exactly do we install it on a second device with the same license ?


You need to be registered for Serum, use the contact form if I can assist you further.