Can I use LFO Tool to automate parameters in Reaper

Started by Maneville


Apologies if this is something obvious, but I'm still learning lots about how to use plugins with each other, and the more I read, the less I understand.


  • I'm using Reaper DAW
  • I'm trying to creatively automate VST/plugin parameters without drawing my own curves

My idea was to use LFO Tool's curves (output?) to do this, but I spent a frustrating hour or so, and got nowhere.

I can link LFO Tool to the plugin, but it doesn't seem to automate anything even though it seems 'on' as the curve animates.

Am I missing an obvious thing?
Is there a missing step?
Is there an 'output' option I should be setting?

Better yet, has anyone else got the LFO Tool to work this way in Reaper, and if so, how?

Thanks in advance, Gurus


LFOTool will send MIDI CC messages. This is technically different than automating VST/Plugin parameters (no standard/protocol exists for the latter).
You need to select a MIDI CC number in the lower right of LFOTool, and raise LFO->Cutoff in the top-right (because the cutoff value is used to generate the CC).
In Reaper, on the destination track, you need to click the "ROUTE" button on the track settings and add LFOTool as a "receive" for the track. At that point the CC message will pass from LFOTool to your destination track. If this destination track has an instrument which accepts MIDI CC (e.g. Serum) then you should be done once the transport is playing / e.g. "MIDI Learn" and the CC should accept.

Warm regards,