BPM synced freerunning LFO in an odd time signature?

Started by JefVerbeeck


Hi Steve!

First of all: thanks for having designed such an awesome synth. It is the only softsynth I actually LIKE sound-designing on.

One thing I 'm trying to figure out: is there a way to have a BPM synced freerunning LFO in an odd time signature?

Setting a loopback point snapped to the LFO grid only works when the LFO is in Envelop mode, correct? I cannot set a loopback point when it is free running.

So yeah: how can I do this?

All the best,



Loopback is for env mode only. If you don't want env mode, You could use Hz mode and set the LFO rate according to the (total) cycle length you want in Hz.


Thanks for clearing that out!

Then I have a feature request: please add loopback in BPM mode. That way it would be super easy and fast to make odd time signature gates.

Have a nice day,



It's an odd request.. sorry, couldn't resist the pun. I'll look into it!


Aw, that Herz.


I bought Serum as is, so I expect no changes to suit my particular needs… As I understand now, I will use a spreadsheat to calculate BPM to time signaturre to Hz. And pick a BPM that is divisible.