After seeing the latest Pensado's place, I checked out the 8bit shaper and LFO tool, then bought the LFO tool and downloaded both.
LFO tool shows up fine in Logic - and is awesome, by the way - but the 8 bit shaper won't appear. I've tried opening Logic in 32-bit mode and rescanning audio units with no success. Is there anything obvious I may have missed?
it used to work, Logic/Apple likes to move the goalposts. I've updated the freeware page with a 1.1
Wow - quick reply! Thanks for that, the new version shows up under 32-bit plugins and works great.
…and a restart of Logic sees the plugin now available in 64bit mode. Even better!
Out of interest, what was the dubstep-inspired track you were talking about on the Pensado's Place show? It sounded like something I'd be into - thought I might check it out.